Even before the covid-19 pandemic disrupted our lives, we were already experiencing how constant connectivity, high pressure goals, long hours and virtual working were just some of the factors creating stress, unhappiness and relationship issues, even with ourselves. With the advances of Neuroscience, we not only have a better understanding of how our brains operate, we have also gained deeper insight into how we can better use the power of our mind to train our brain to serve us more effectively in our work-life while increasing our mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Whether you see or hear the term ‘mindfulness’ and experience skepticism, or wonder what all the fuss is about, or you are interested in developing your mind and want to learn more, this program is for you. This is a progressive and experiential program that explores the interaction between our brain, our ‘mind’ and our physical self to create greater awareness and life changing possibilities. It is a mindfulness program, plus, plus!

You Are a Genius!

We introduce you to your amazing brain; to understand its power and limitations. We will discover and appreciate your personal ‘superpower’. We will look at some of the ways our brain tends to take over from ‘us’ and affect our every-day lives. We will bring clarity to the real challenges we face to increase awareness and to take back control of our own experiences, emotions and decisions. We will explore our current awareness through some practical exercises and understand why maintaining regular mindfulness practice is helpful to all of us. We will also review some surprising benefits to practicing mindfulness from the evidence of various scientific studies around the world. We will engage in some guided practice during this session and set an exercise to do afterwards in your everyday experience.


Leading Your Brain for a Change

After the first session, we now take a closer look at how and why our brain might currently be leading us. We will appreciate how mindfulness practice can give us back mastery and choice over how we use our brain. We will discover how we can train our mind to change how we react, what we think, our output and our performance. We will examine our emotions; what they are for, where they come from and who decides if it is better to get them out or keep them under wraps. There will be practice in ‘mind reading’ and more guided mindful practice. We end with an exercise to use in your own life.


Happiness Matters

In this session we explore creating more positive interactions with ourselves and in our relationship with others: how to do trust, listening, and empathy better. We look at how to generate happiness in our lives as well as helping overcome self-doubt and fear. We will engage in mindful practice as before, and we discuss how mindfulness practice can have a place in your everyday experience. You will leave with another exercise to try for your daily life.

Designing and Inhabiting Your Future

In this session we will explore life-long-learning and change. We examine how our habits can hold us back and take us forward. We will practice a technique-for-life, to generate a vision and create a brain friendly plan that will also allow you to maintain and improve your mindfulness. You will generate a personal plan and appreciate what it will take to make it happen. We practice mindfulness and discuss other supporting practices to close the program.
